Monday, May 21, 2007

Defeated before you start

Sales is a hard fought profession. It is a competitive and sometimes dog eat dog world. There are many obstacles to tackle and many objections to overcome. So don't make it any harder on yourself. A lot of us make it harder on ourselves because we assume too many things about our sales cycle or our customer. We tell ourselves things like: "They will never pay that much for this solution." "They don't need this feature so I won't bring it up." or "This company probably isn't going to see the value in my product or service." You are defeated before you make the call. You can't expect your customer to buy into what you are selling them if you don't believe in the product or service yourself. Customers do not buy from people who do not believe in themselves or the product or services they represent. Our confidence is one of our biggest selling tools. We are fooling ourselves if we think our customers can't tell when we are not confident in what we are selling.

It is imperative that we do not defeat ourselves before we ever pick up the phone or walk into a customers office. Assuming that the customer does not need what you have is like kryptonite for you sales call. If you already believe there is no sale to be had then that is what will happen. It becomes a self fullfilling prophecy. You have to walk into every potential sale as if it is full of opportunity and assume that your product or service is just what the customer needs. If you want to survive in sales, believe that your customers want to hear what you have to say and believe that what you have to say is important.

Good Selling,


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